Gold Coast manufactured Aviation Hydration will launch in the Hollywood and Celebrity Swag bags given out to award show nominees staying at the Beverly Hills Four Seasons Hotel. Celebrities attending award shows like the Emmys, Golden Globes and Oscars are gifted the bags in their rooms.
“I have been working with Cosmetic Manufacturers for over 10 years developing skincare products” said Brisbane based Helen Lock. “The partnership with an American Gifting Company has enabled us to get the product into the hands of celebrities like Taylor Swift, Ricky Gervais, Tina Fey, Felicity Huffman, Sofia Vergara and also well-known Australian TV personalities including Ross Greenwood, Carrie Bickmore and Asher Keddie”.
Earlier this year the Helensvale manufactured moisturiser, Aviation Hydration was chosen by an American Gifting Company as part of an exclusive gift basket presented to Kate and Wills in celebration of the birth of Charlotte. “They chose Aviation Hydration because Prince William is a pilot” Helen said.
The moisturiser took Helen and Cosmetic Manufacturers over 3 years to develop and refine. General Manager of Cosmetic Manufacturers Joe Charanduk said “we are a Therapeutic Goods Administration and Australian Certified Organic accredited facility based on the Gold Coast and we specialize in manufacturing natural skincare products like Helens Aviation Hydration”.
“We used the XMA eczema cream as the base and added 5 more ingredients including and the super antioxidant Kunzea oil from Tasmania. This makes the moisturiser uniquely Australian” Helen said. Dubbed the new wonder oil, Kunzea Ambigua has a unique molecular structure enabling it to work at a cellular level, penetrating deep into the skin layers resulting in long lasting hydration.
The oil is extracted from the Kunzea tree which grows naturally in the pristine Tasmanian valleys making it an organic and sustainably harvested product. “The scent was very hard to work with as it contains the quintessentially Australian native botanical aroma” Helen said. “It’s a nice reminder of home while travelling”.
Helen called on the professional perfumer Jonathon Migdley, from Woolloongabba, to help turn the complex essential oils into an uplifting unisex fragrance that Cosmetic Manufacturers could use in the moisturiser. Samples of the moisturiser with the scent at different levels were left to mature for 6 months. “We wanted to see how the fragrance in the moisturiser would settle. It had to be treated like a bottle of fine wine, left in the dark and left alone” Helen explained. “Working with 16 natural ingredients had its challenges but we have developed a product that is not only used by everyday Australians but is garnering a cult following with Hollywood celebrities and airline industries”.
Helens passion for skincare keeps her continuously driven to create new products and formulas for the skincare industry. Helen has written a new book “101 ways to treat your itch”.